Navid Sobhani

Scientist, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae

[email protected]

Department of Cancer Biology

UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Navid Sobhani

Scientist, Ph.D.


Navid Sobhani

Scientist, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae

[email protected]

Department of Cancer Biology

UT MD Anderson Cancer Center


Welcome to my website!

I am a passionate scientist dedicated to advancing medical research and finding better cures for diseases, with a particular focus on cancer. I firmly believe there is so much more left to discover beyond our current understanding. As beautifully put by Shakespeare in poetry,  "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." I am committed to contributing to this ongoing investigation of the unknown.
My journey in science began at Malignani, one of Italy's finest scientific high schools, where I laid the foundation for my future endeavors. Eager to expand my knowledge and skills, I continued my studies in the UK at both Aberdeen and Cambridge Universities, completing a comprehensive 5-year bachelor's program including a Master's degree in applied molecular biology.
I then pursued my Ph.D. in Italy, at the University of Trieste, immersing myself in cutting-edge research to further hone my expertise. After coming to the USA, I completed my postdoctoral studies at Baylor College of Medicine, which equipped me with valuable insights and experiences for the challenges ahead. Throughout the years of my academic journey, I was fortunate to have incredible mentors who guided and inspired me.
Currently, I hold an exciting position as a research scientist at the prestigious University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Working alongside a fantastic team, I am deeply involved in single-cell RNA sequencing research. Currently, my contribution is helping the team discover how the microenvironment is involved in promising targeted therapies against pancreatic cancer. Together, we are like builders, assembling a pyramid of knowledge piece by piece, with every publication and discovery representing a crucial step forward in our quest to combat cancer and improve human health. 

I invite you to join me on this scientific journey of discovery, where we continuously push the boundaries of knowledge and strive to make a positive impact through research and innovation. Together, we can bring empathy, hope, and healing to the world through the power of science. Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to sharing my progress and achievements.


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